South African Bridge Federation

Well done to the Kaprey team, Imitiaz Kaprey, Lorraine Weers, Chris Child and Anton van Kinderen who won the match by 2 imps in an exciting finish
Hand Records Semifinal Segment 1
Hand Records Semifinal Segment 2
Hand Records Semifinal Segment 3
Hand Records Semifinal Segment 4
1. Narunsky
Maureen Narunsky (moremo) -Michael Alexander (treetops38) cc
Glen Holman (glensa) Michele Alexander (lady macbeth) cc
2. Kaprey
Imtiaz Kaprey (imtiaz1) -Lorraine Weers (larobe) cc
Chris Child (chris1756) - Anton Der Kinderen (banditos) cc
3. Rosslee
Di Rosslee (rottiefan) -Greg Hingle (greg_h) cc
DianaBalkin (deebee2) - Jeff Sapire (fann4) cc
4. Shapiro
Machelle Shapiro (mach1955) - Brent Shapiro (shapsy7) cc JudeApteker (judeap) Machelle Shapiro cc
Erica Zimet (rixi181) - Paul Reynolds (horace1) cc
5. Van Vught
Lex Van Vught (lexvan) - Peta Balderson (peta_b) cc notes
Jennifer Foaden (foaden) Ian Katz (joepike) cc